Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Noblesse Oblige, In Hershey Park.

Noblesse Oblige.
It generally used to imply social resonsibilties to a person with wealth.

In the past, royal families had a power and money.
And they also had responsibilities to take care their territory.
Since than, some royal familes have been done their duties, so they have gotten respect, confidence.

I think Milton S. Hershey was a man who shown what it is.

Even he got wealth through 3 times failes,
he tried to share his wealth with employers in his factory.
He remembered to miss the education when he was young,
so he founded schools for orphans and poors.
He put trolley to help commute and other community,
he built amusement park for happiness of employers.
He wanted to make a community which every employers live happily.

When I found this stories, these made my heart hurt.
Because the foriegn workers riots in hershey come to my mind.

If there was a Milton S. Hershey,
What would he say about it?
How would he do for them?

I can guess what the answer about these questions.

But one thing I'm sure is that
it would be differnt result if his values were reflected in them.



It was awesome! Hershey Park!

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