Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How old are you?

Oct. 7. It was my birthday.

I invited some friends and had the mexican dinner with them.

At that time, I got a lot of questions to ask my age.
I answered "25 In America, but Im still 26 in Korea."

If you are American or European, you are confused this sentence.
If you are Chinese or Japanes, you can understand exactily what I told.

Yeah, It's different to calculate age between them.

In America and Europe, a baby is 0-year-old when he is born.
And he is 1-year-old after 12 months past.

In Korea, Japan and China, a baby is 1-year-old when he is born.
And he is 2-year-old after 12 months past.
I celebrate my birthday, but my age isn't changed on that day.
Every 1 on Jan, everyone get 1-year-old together.

People of 3 countries thinks it is a human being even he isn't come out yet from the belly of mother.
So they add 1-year-old when he is born.

One more thing, I have 2 birthday in one year.
One is 1986.Oct.7 followed by sun calendar,
the other is 1986.Sep.4 follewed by moon calendar.
Long times ago and utill now, Korea has moon calendar.
It's not public calendar, but we our holiday(new years day and Chu-seok)
has to calculate on the moon calendar.

I hope its enough to explain how to calculate age in Korea.

and I prefer American's way..
I want to be young!! ;_;

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