Thursday, September 22, 2011

Flooding, Who is in charge of it?

Do you remember flooding 2 weeks ago?

It might be YES, YES, YES.

It was huge disaster.
The front street was flooded, and people moved from uptown area.
Some roads became big ponds or a stream,
trees on the island was disappeared half of it.

The news was showing it again and again,
schools were closed, shops were closed, too.
(The mayor had said to close every shops)

But there was no one angry to the government.

People prepared everything themselves,
they didn't blame the government.

You might be wondered.
Why do I blame the government because of flooding?

 In Korea, there was flooding in this summer.
It was huge as like here,
subway station was closed as like New york,
cars were sinked, roads were disappeared.

And people were angry.
They thought it is in charge of the government.
To predict, To prepare.
The government need to build and fix a waterway,
and manage it for protection of flooding.

I don't think they are wrong, American and Korean.

I agree the government is in charge of flooding,
so its required to clean and maintain,
and the government has to be reproach for its carelessness.

But people also have to know the government isn't God who knows everything.
So they need to wait and keep on eye the government.
The government is a collaborator, which work together.

Hum.... Anyway, I like rainning, with a cup of coffee:)

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