Saturday, January 22, 2022

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Monday, January 10, 2022

Poor People's Campaign Say Senators Are Hurting Those Most Vulnerable

Dear Joyce,

The outright refusal of extremist republicans like Senator McConnell and his caucus and the interposition gradualism and inactions of those claiming to be moderates like Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema are causing hurt, harm, pain, and unnecessary economic and physical death among the most vulnerable of our society. None of this has to exist.

Even if we can’t be fully in the streets because of Covid and our care for one another, we won’t be silent any more.

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival, is committing to a new season of intensified nonviolent moral direct action, emboldened by our current conditions, and led by poor and low-wealth people alongside religious leaders and moral allies.

Today, we begin a national call-in where we are asking all of you – poor and low-income impacted leaders, religious leaders, and moral allies – to call the offices of Senator Manchin, Senator Sinema, Senator McConnell, and Senator Schumer. We demand that Congress do right by the 140 million poor and low-income people living in this country and meet their pressing needs, from voting rights, health care, paid leave and living wages to immigration justice, the rights of indigenous people and more.

We don’t have scarcity of resources in this nation, instead, we have a scarcity of moral consciousness that is blocking economic investment and voting rights and hiding behind an historically regressive and racist filibuster which is morally indefensible, constitutionally inconsistent, politically incompetent, and economically insane.

We will act together using moral language, with the power of love, truth and justice on our side, until our demands are realized. This may take more than a season, but our deadline is victory! Every day of continued injustice will only embolden our agitation and strengthen our resolve to realize our moral agenda and the nation we have yet to be.

Join us as we take our first action this season and call Congress today!


Forward together, not one step back!


Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr. Day ( Jan 16, 2012)

I woke up early this day to attend a Central Pennsylvania Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. 
When I was in University, I read one of his speeches which were noted for ‘I Have a Dream’. Martin Luther King Jr. had many speeches to ask the equality and coexistence between blacks and Whites. That is all I know about him, so I thought attending the service was a good chance to know about him.

On the Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there are the various events taking place in the region, and I attended one of the services which were held at Camp Curtin School. The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is an annual event that is sponsored by a consortium of schools, non-profit organizations and community service groups in Central Pennsylvania.  I could see many presses and many different ages at that school. The most impressive thing was there were a lot of volunteers wearing a T-shirts printed about MLK Day. Even though they could spend time for resting at home or meeting with their friends, they helped the people who visited school for Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. They seemed like they emulated MLK Jr’ spirit of self-sacrifice. Also, there was a performance about the Africa-American’s human right by high school students. It was short, but very impacted. I could get the meaning of Martin Luther King Jr. Day easily, and also I think it’s good for children to understand.

Actually, I didn’t know that Martin Luther King Jr. Day is national holiday. After attending the service and searching about the Martin Luther King Jr., I think Martin Luther King Jr. Day deserves to become a national holiday.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Did you enjoy the Farm Show?

From January 7th to 14th, Pennsylvania Farm Show was held. For me, a farm show is not a familiar word, but it was really enjoyable experience to go there. When I talked about Farm Show, all the people mentioned food there. They said the food in the farm show is really fresh and delicious! I got some specific good food from them.

Near the farm show complex, I was really surprised at the cars. I have never seen so many cars like the day in Harrisburg. I heard later that this farm show is so famous that people who are not reside in Harrisburg came there, and then, I could understand that was why.

As soon as we arrived, we went to the food court. The food was the best thing we expected to the farm show. The food court was very crowded and there were very long lines for Milk shake that I really wanted! After long waiting, I could get the milk shake and it was really great! I ate mozzarella cheese cube, too. The cheese was fantastic! I totally understood the reason of the long lines.

IMG_20120110_193556.jpgAfter food, we started to look around the rest of farm show. The farm show complex was big and there were many kinds of animals. Cows, rabbits, chicks, etc.

It was really interesting. As I always live in cities, I don't have any opportunity to see animals in person. I can at most see only cats in my house. Many different kinds of animals were really impressed.

After the farm show, I could realize that the farm and agriculture is quite important to Pennsylvania. I couldn't feel it in Harrisburg but I could in the farm show. Plus, it is a big enjoyment for people in this state, especially for kids. I hope the event like this will hold in Korea, too.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy Holidays and New Year!

It is 2012! We are in the new year! I was so busy this holiday season. I sold gift sets and was invited to Christmas dinner and New year's dinner. I am sure the holiday season is the most live season of the year in the U.S.A.

When it comes to New Year's day, I think it is less meaningful than Christmas for American people. Every American have a dinner or party with their family for Christmas and exchange many gifts. So, just before Christmas, the mall is very busy and the day of Christmas, I can't see anything and anybody outside. Everyone is home with their family. Christmas is the biggest holiday for American.

Compared to Christmas, New Year's day is casual. People celebrate this day by their own way. Some spend this day with family like Christmas, some go to the big city and participate in the countdown or some go to the club and have a party. One of my friends said me "Christmas is with a family, New Year's day is with friends". I think it is correct.

In Korea, New Year's day is a really big holiday. It's the one of the biggest 2 holidays. (Other one is Thanksgiving Day.) We celebrate New Year's day on the lunar calendar so it changed the date on the solar calendar every year. It's January 23rd this year. For New Year's day, every people moved to their hometown to meet their family, so we suffer terrible traffics every year.

The new year season is the most busiest season for the mall(especially, food) because people buy presents for the new year's day. Korean people don't exchange gifts but usually give them to thankful people around New Year's day.

On the new year's day, Korean family has a big party with traditional food. We have an unique custom. When children bow to older people for new year's good luck, the older people say good words to the children with money. So it is very exciting day for children.

I think Christmas day in the U.S. is very similar with Korean New Year's day. Food and detail is different but gathering and the way to greet and talking was the same. It was same feeling at least for me.

I hope you all spent great holidays with your family and everything goes well this year. Happy new year!

Happy new year:)

Hello, everyone:)

It is new year, 2012.

I greeted the New Year in New York.
I think a lot of you guys saw the TV show at midnight in Time Square. It was truly a big event.

I tried to go, but I gave up because I heard the waiting time would be more than 8 hours.
From 1-2  p.m.  people started to gather on the square.
As night fell, it was impossible to move in the time square.

Can you imagine? during 8 hours, you cannot go to toilet!
.....So I choose to see it on the TV:)
I believe it was the best choice.
I was with my friends, and we cheered and clapped when midnight came.

It is new day and we are happy to say HAPPY NEW YEAR.