Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy new year:)

Hello, everyone:)

It is new year, 2012.

I greeted the New Year in New York.
I think a lot of you guys saw the TV show at midnight in Time Square. It was truly a big event.

I tried to go, but I gave up because I heard the waiting time would be more than 8 hours.
From 1-2  p.m.  people started to gather on the square.
As night fell, it was impossible to move in the time square.

Can you imagine? during 8 hours, you cannot go to toilet!
.....So I choose to see it on the TV:)
I believe it was the best choice.
I was with my friends, and we cheered and clapped when midnight came.

It is new day and we are happy to say HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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