Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Chu-seok, Marry Chu-seok!

Happy, Happy, Happy!

It was awesome day.

Yesterday was a holiday, Chu-seok in Korea.

It's to celebrate to begin the harvest
t(Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate to finish the harvest)

and people shares these grains, fruits with whole family.

On this day, it's happen to huge moving in Korea,

because everyone try to visit there hometown to gather their family.


I made a Chu-seok party with my new family, in Harrisburg.

I and Jenna had cooked more than 6 hours.

Nurumjeok(fried with vegetable and ham), Kimbab(Sushi with seaweed), Sesami reaf fried,
 Chicken stew(hot spicy), Fistbab(rice with tuna), Dongurangddang(fried beef, tufu and vegetable)
Ddukbboki(rice cake with spicy) and Sikhye(rice punci).

I was worried a little bit.

These food are not familiar with Americans.
Of course, I couldn't be sure my cooking..

However, everyone liked these!!
They were impressed taste, and enjoyed a lot.
I was so happy that they like korean food.
(and I didn't make disappointed my cooking, hahaha)

Even my family in Korea gathered together,
but I didn't miss them.

In Harrisburg, there are new family who enjoy Chu-seok with me!

Happy Chu-seok,
Merry Chu-seok!

(Traffic jam is terrible, but people don't give up to leave)

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